Child Care & Learning Center

We are so glad you are interested in enrolling your child at Adventures.  Choosing childcare can we stressful and overwhelming.  We try to make the enrollment process as simple and straight forward as possible.  

 Step 1:
Hopefully you have already visited the facility, taken a tour and spoken with the Director or Assistant Director.  If not, then this is a necessary beginning.  It is important you see the facility and talk with someone about questions you may have to ensure you are comfortable with this important decision.

 Step 2:
Once you have decided that Adventures is the place for your family you will need to call or email and speak with the Director or Assistant Director to ensure we have availability for your child.   

 Step 3:
Once Adventures has assured you that we have availability for your child you will need to stop at the facility and pay a one-time registration fee to secure your child’s spot and pickup enrollment paperwork.

 Step 4:
About a week (or at least 24 hours) before your child is set to start at Adventures you will need to drop off your child’s completed enrollment paperwork along with additional required documents listed in the paperwork.  Your child will not be able to begin at Adventures without all required documentation. 

 Helpful Hint:
If possible, it would be a good idea to arrange with Adventures for your child to come in and visit for an hour or two before their first day so they can meet the teacher and see the classroom.  This can help make things a little less scary for a child on their first day.

Waiting List:
If you are interested in enrolling your child at Adventures but we are unable to confirm an availability for your child due to full enrollment then you may want to consider getting on our waiting list.  This is an easy process and does not require you to pay any registration fees.  You will need to stop into the facility and fill out a contact card.  This will allow us to add your child to our waiting list and Adventures will contact you when a space becomes available that meets your needs.  Keep in mind that names are placed on the list on a first come first serve basis.  You are always welcome to call or email to check in with us regarding your status on the waiting list and any changes in availability.  

How to Register